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Full Professor and Chairholder
Chair of Strategic Entrepreneurship
at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Germany)


Thami Ghorfi Chair Professorship of Strategic
Entrepreneurship and Change Management 
at Woxsen University Hyderabad (India)


Academic Positions:

Full Professor and Chairholder of Strategic Entrepreneurship at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
(since 2023)

Head of Strategic Entrepreneurship Research Group 

(since 2019)

Academic Director DIGITAL SPACE - The HHL Digital Transformation Platform

(since 2019)

Thami Ghorfi Chair Professorship for Strategic Entrepreneurship & Change Management

(since 2022)

Assistant/Associate Professor in Strategic Entrepreneurship (German: Juniorprofessor)


University Affiliations:

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Germany)
ESCP Europe (Germany/France)

GSEM Ural Federal University Yekaterinburg (Russia - activities paused since 02/2022)

Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Nagpur (India)

University of Business Wroclaw (Poland)

University of Mannheim, Mannheim Business School (Germany)

Woxsen University, School of Business Hyderabad (India)

Teaching Focus:
Strategic Management, Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Digital Entrepreneurship, Business Modeling, Innovation Management, Project Management, Problem Solving

Academy of Management (AOM), European Academy of Management (EURAM),
Strategic Management Society (SMS), German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB)


Editorial Positions:

Review of Managerial Science (Associate Editor; SJR: Q1, IF: 7.8)

European Journal of Innovation Management (Associate Editor; SJR: Q1, IF: 5.0)

Journal of Organizational Change Management (Associate Editor; SJR: Q2, IF: 2.7)

Academic Background:

Full Professor Qualification (2022)

Doctoral Degree, Strategic Management (2016)

M.Sc., General Management (2012)

B.Sc., International Business (2010)


Practical Background:

Strategy Consulting (6 years)

Corporate (3 years)

Co-Founder (since 2020)



HHL Faculty Profile




Web of Science



Selected Publications in Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals

A-ranked publications (VHB: A+/A or ABS: 4 or SJR: Q1):

Antonio, J., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Contextual factors of disruptive innovation: A systematic review and framework, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, published online:

Antonio, J., Schmidt, A., Kanbach, D. K., & Meyer, N. (2024). Enacting disruption: how entrepreneurial ventures innovate value propositions to increase the attractiveness of their technologies, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 30(4), 885-915.

Balz, F., Brinkmann, F. & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). The impact of independent and heterogeneous corporate venture capital on firm efficiency, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, published online:


Burger, B., Kanbach, D. K., Kraus, S., Breier, M. and Corvello, V. (2023). On the use of AI-based tools like ChatGPT to support management research, European Journal of Innovation Management, 26(7), 233-241.

Frey, P., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Design dimensions of corporate venture capital programs - a systematic literature review. Management Review Quarterly, published online:

Gerlich, C., Brenk, K., Antonio, J., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus, S. (2025). Wielding a double-edged sword: Unravelling the development of dynamic capabilities through growth hacking. Journal of Business Research, published online:

Gernsheimer, O., Gast, J., & Kanbach D. K. (2024). Always on par? How small- and medium-sized enterprises manage coopetition strategies to innovate with large firms. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, published online:

Gernsheimer, O., Kanbach D. K., Gast, J., & Le Roy, F. (2024). Managing paradoxical tensions to initiate coopetition between MNEs: The rise of coopetition formation teams. Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 148-174.

Glade, C., Kesting, P., Smolinski, R., & Kanbach D.K. (2023). Differences between habitual and novice entrepreneurs in funding negotiations, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, published online:

Greimel, N. S., Kanbach D. K., & Chelaru, M. (2023). Virtual teams and transformational leadership: An integrative literature review and avenues for further research. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(2) 11-11.

Hoffmann, A., Kanbach, D. K., & Stubner, S. (2023). Entrepreneurship through acquisition: a scoping review. Management Review Quarterly, published online:

Hofmeister, J., Kanbach, D. K., & Hogreve, J. (2024a). Measuring and managing service productivity: a meta-analysis. Review of Managerial Science, 18(3), 739-775.

Hofmeister, J., Kanbach, D. K., & Hogreve, J. (2024b). Service productivity: a systematic review of a dispersed research area. Management Review Quarterly, 74(3), 1249-1281.

Jorzik, P., Antonio, J. L., Kanbach, D. K., Kallmuenzer, A., & Kraus, S. (2024). Sowing the seeds for sustainability: A business model innovation perspective on artificial intelligence in green technology startups. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 208, 123653.

Jorzik, P., Klein, S., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus, S. (2024). AI-driven business model innovation: A systematic review and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, published online:

Jorzik, P., Yigit, A. Kanbach, D. K., Kraus, S. & Dabic, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Business Model Innovation: Competencies and Roles of Top Management. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, published online:

Joussen, T. P., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus, S. (2024). Enabling strategic change toward resilience: A systematic review from a dynamic capabilities perspective. Strategic Change, published online:

Kanbach, D. K., Heiduk, L., Blueher, G., Schreiter, M., & Lahmann, A. (2024). The GenAI is out of the bottle: generative artificial intelligence from a business model innovation perspective. Review of Managerial Science, 18(4), 1189-1220.

Kramer, A., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Relationship-building in the post-acceleration phase of corporate accelerators: empirical evidence from Germany. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, published online:

Kramer, A., Veit, P., Kanbach, D. K., Stubner, S., & Maran, T. K. (2024). A framework of accelerator design: harmonizing fragmented knowledge. European Journal of Innovation Management, 27(8), 2780-2817.

Lange, F., Peters, A., Kanbach, D. K. & Kraus, S. (2023). Characteristics of Platform Providers in Collaborative Consumption: Derivation of Four Archetypes. Management Decision, published online:

Lange, F., Steinhoff, M., Tomini, N., & Kanbach, D. K. (2024). Acting beyond concepts: a comparative study of entrepreneurial actions between novice and experienced entrepreneurs in early-stage venture creation. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, published online:

Lange, F., Tomini, N., Brinkmann, F., Kanbach, D. K. & Kraus, S. (2023). Demystifying massive and rapid business scaling - An explorative study on driving factors in digital start-ups, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, published online:

Leemann, N., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Cognitive biases in resource cognition: evidence from action research. Management Decision, published online:

Leipziger, M., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus, S. (2024). Business model transition and entrepreneurial small businesses: a systematic literature review. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 31(3), 473-491.

Nguyen, L., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Toward a view of integrating corporate sustainability into strategy: A systematic literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(2), 962-976.


Nguyen, L. H., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus, S. (2024). Facilitating corporate sustainability integration: innovation in family firms. Journal of Family Business Management, published online:


Öztürk, O., Kocaman, R., & Kanbach, D. K. (2024) How to design bibliometric research: an overview and a framework proposal. Review of Managerial Science, 18, 3333–3361 (2024).

Peters, A., Schuster, A. S., Kanbach, D. K., Kraus, S., & Meyer, N. (2024). Where believer, seller, and beneficiary come together: A typology of eco‐innovators. Sustainable Development.


Roppelt, J. S., Greimel, N. S., Kanbach, D. K., Stubner, S., & Maran, T. K. (2024). Artificial intelligence in talent acquisition: a multiple case study on multi-national corporations. Management Decision, 62(10), 2986-3007.

Roppelt, J., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus. S. (2024). Artificial intelligence in healthcare institutions: A systematic literature review on influencing factors, Technology in Society, 76,

Rumstadt, F., Kanbach, D. K., Arweck, J., Maran, T. K., & Stubner, S. (2024). CEO activism is not equal to CEO activism: a typology of executives' political statements. Management Decision, 62(13), 370-397.

Schneider, M. H., Kanbach, D. K., Kraus, S., & Dabić, M. (2023). Transform me if you can: leveraging dynamic capabilities to manage digital transformation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, published online:

Schwaeke, J., Peters, A., Kanbach, D. K., Kraus, S., & Jones, P. (2024). The new normal: The status quo of AI adoption in SMEs, Journal of Small Business Management, published online:

Weiss, L., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Leveraging new business innovation for strategic renewal: An organizational framework for strategic corporate venturing. Creativity and Innovation Management, 32(2), 316-339.

Weiss, L., Kanbach, D. K., Kraus S., & Dabic, M. (2024). Strategic corporate venturing in interlinked ambidextrous units: An exploratory model. European Management Journal, 42(4), 595-610.



B-ranked publications (VHB: B or ABS: 3 or SJR: Q2):

Brinkmann, F., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Hypercompetition in venture capital: implications and competitive advantage strategies for VC funds. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 15(5), 423-444.

Burger, B., Kanbach, D. K., & Kraus, S. (2023). The role of narcissism in entrepreneurial activity: A systematic literature review. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, published online:

Burger, B., Kraus, S., Maran, T. K., & Kanbach, D. K. (2024). From ego to equity: exploring the influence of narcissism and gender on start-up funding success. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.

Doerr, L., Fliege, K., Lehmann, C., Kanbach D.K., & Kraus, S. (2023). A taxonomy on influencing factors towards Digital Transformation in SMEs. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 33(1), 53-69.

Lange, F., Hesse, L., & Kanbach, D. K. (2024). Unfolding entrepreneurial resourcefulness: a systematic literature review. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 27(2), 115-135.

Schuster A.S., & Kanbach D.K. (2024). Power and organizations: how organization types link to power relationships—a state of the field. International Studies of Management & Organization, published online:

Schuster, T., Brunner, T. J. J., Schneider, M. H. G., Lehmann, C., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Leading in the digital age: Conceptualizing digital leadership and its influence on service innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation Management. Published online:

Yigit, A., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). The significance of technology-driven entrepreneurship activities: Lessons from SMEs operating in the manufacturing industry. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1).

C-ranked publications (VHB: C or ABS: 2 or SJR: Q3):

Seiferlein, B., & Kanbach, D.K. (2023). Business Model Innovation through Open Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Automotive Industry, Journal of Business Strategies, 40(1), 37-52.

Seiferlein, B., Kanbach, D.K., & Lehmann, C. (2023). Internal antecedents for systematic business model innovation: insights from the German automotive manufacturers, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 27(1/2), 19-50

Teaching Case Studies:

Gernsheimer, O., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). The Agrochemical And Seed Industry: Leveraging Coopetition For Breakthrough Innovation, Harvard Business Publishing / Ivey Publishing,


Rumstadt, F., Kanbach, D. K., & Stubner, S. (2024). Porsche's E-mobility Transition: Balancing through Transformation, Harvard Business Publishing / Ivey Publishing,


Weiss, L., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). Freeletics: Strategic Corporate Venturing in A Digital Scale-Up, Harvard Business Publishing / Ivey Publishing,

Other publications:

Hoffmann, A., Kanbach, D.K., & Wykes-Sneyd, T.  (2023). The Data-Creativity Nexus: Shaping the Future of Marketing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Review St. Gallen, (6), 14-20.


Selected Academic Conference Contributions

Virtual Working And Team Motivation: Considerations For The LMX Model, 20th International Conference of Marco Biagi Foundation-University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, March 16-17, Modena, Italy (with M. Chelaru & N. Greimel)

Performing Open Innovation through Venture Clienting: A Guiding Principles Framework, 2023 ISPIM Conference, June 4-7, Ljubljana, Slovenia (with B. Mais & L. Weiss)

Turning digital: What does it mean for business model innovation and new product development?, 30th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, June 7-9, Lecco, Italy (with M. Schneider)

Entrepreneurial negotiation: A systematic literature review of a nascent research field, 23rd International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, June 11-15, Tokyo, Japan (with C. Glade)

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Institutions: A Systematic Literature Review on Influencing Factors, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2023, June 14-16, Dublin, Ireland (with J. Roppelt & S. Kraus)

Facilitating corporate sustainability integration: Innovation in German family firms, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2023, June 14-16, Dublin, Ireland (with L. Nguyen & S. Kraus)

Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship as a catalyst for sustainability in corporates – a systematic literature review, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2023, June 14-16, Dublin, Ireland (with C. Gerlich & S. Kraus)

Digital leadership and its impact on service innovation performance – A mixed-method approach, R&D Management Conference 2023, June 19-21, Sevilla, Spain (with T. Schuster, T. Brunner, M. Schneider & C. Lehmann)

Enacting Disruption: How Entrepreneurial Ventures Innovate Value Propositions To Increase The Attractiveness Of Their Technologies, ACIEK ESIC Conference 2023, June 21-23, Madrid, Spain (with J. Antonio & N. Meyer)

Digital, faster, better? How digital transformation relates to BMI and new product development, Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, August 4-8, Boston, USA (with M. Schneider)

The role of AI in achieving sustainability in corporates, ISPIM Connects 2023, December 11-13, Salzburg, Austria (with J. Schwaeke, C. Gerlich, J. Antonio)

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©2025 Prof. Dr. Dominik K. Kanbach

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